new paper published on cemi field theory of consciousness

Posted 25th October 2020

Integrating information in the brain’s EM field: the cemi field theory of consciousness McFadden, J. (2020). “Integrating information in the brain’s EM field: the cemi field theory of consciousness.” Neuroscience of Consciousness 2020(1): niaa016. Abstract A key aspect of consciousness is that it represents bound or integrated information, prompting an increasing conviction that the physical […]


Terrific seminar by Antoine van Oijen at the Quantum Biology Doctoral Training Centre

Posted 7th July 2019

Quantum Biology Doctoral Training Centre Seminar Tuesday 25th June, 3pm, Room 01 DK 02 Tackling antimicrobial resistance, one molecule at a time Professor Antoine van Oijen Distinguished Professor, Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow, School of Chemistry and Molecular Bioscience, University of Wollongong   Abstract Antoine van Oijen led research groups at Harvard Medical School […]


Lectureship Position in Quantum Biology available at the University of Surrey!

Posted 18th June 2019

The Leverhulme Quantum Biology Doctoral Training Centre at the University of Surrey is recruiting exceptional individuals to the full-time academic position of Lecturer in Quantum Biology. Quantum Biology is an exciting new area of research that has emerged in the last two decades through the recognition that quantum phenomena such as coherence, tunnelling and entanglement, […]


Quantum Biology Doctoral Training Centre Seminar From nanotech to living sensors: unraveling the spin physics of biosensing at the nanoscale Clarice D. Aiello, Stanford University, USA 2pm, Thursday 13th June Room 01 DK 03, University of Surrey

Posted 10th June 2019

Abstract I am a quantum engineer interested in how quantum physics informs biology at the nanoscale. As a physicist, I have developed high-performance nanosensors that essentially worked due to room-temperature quantum effects in noisy environments. Currently, I am focusing on “living sensors” — organisms and cells that respond to minute stimuli, routinely outperforming technological probes […]


PhD opportunity at the Quantum Biology Doctoral Training Centre (QB-DTC) to study energy generation through electrogenic organism microsystems.

Posted 2nd June 2019

Explore the electron transport mechanisms between membrane cytrochromes and electrode along pili. Is this a classical conductive transport, is it ion transport, or does it involve quantum tunnelling along a series of Fe-S clusters? For example, the quantum extension of the classical Drude theory of metal conductivity shows that regularly spaced potential wells (positive metal atom […]


new Quantum Biology studentships available!

Posted 14th March 2019

Interested in a PhD in quantum niology at our Quantum Biology Doctoral Training Centre at the University of Surrey? Projects include examination of coherence in nerve ion channels, DNA repair and coherence involved in electrical communication between microbes. See here for more details and how to apply.


Quantum entangled bacterial cells?

Posted 6th January 2019

  Entanglement is the weirdest quantum phenomenon – so weird that even Einstein, who remember gave us warped space-time, time travel and black holes – didn’t believe it calling it ‘spooky action at a distance’. It is when interacting quantum particles maintain an instantaneous connection even after they have been separated by huge distance so […]


Paper on history of Quantum Biology by me and Jim Al-Khalili now out!

Posted 14th December 2018

The real history of quantum biology In a paper published by the Royal Society journal, Proceedings A,  The origins of quantum biology, we examine nearly 100 years of pioneering and improbable questions about the relationship between the fuzzy and almost magical world of quantum physics and the rigid and organised field of biology. We also reveal […]